“We know that he has, more than any other man, the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thought.“
Lett's speech in a few words.
"We need your money. Give us your money"
we know that he has, more than any other man, the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thought.. .
lett's speech in a few words.. "we need your money.
give us your money".
“We know that he has, more than any other man, the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thought.“
Lett's speech in a few words.
"We need your money. Give us your money"
just found out that someone who lives 4 doors down was convicted of molesting a 4 year old child twice.
the second time was after he was arrested and released on bond from the first arrest.
having two 4 year old children living in my home, i am concerned.
My question is, should I notify my neighbors about this pedo on our street?
If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, NO.
If you are not one of Jehovah's witnesses, absolutely YES.
i think it is reasonable for every leader or head of any organization that has control of peoples thinking and actions should, by law, submit to a lie detector test.
the results would be accessible to any one who had an interest in the matter.this test would be required before appointment to any position and on a yearly basis.
questions could be submitted to a competent and unbiased committee for approval.
1) romans 8:20 .
yhwh gave up.
there are no secondary fulfillments as regards the end.
20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that[a] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.26 For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
i think it is reasonable for every leader or head of any organization that has control of peoples thinking and actions should, by law, submit to a lie detector test.
the results would be accessible to any one who had an interest in the matter.this test would be required before appointment to any position and on a yearly basis.
questions could be submitted to a competent and unbiased committee for approval.
I think it is reasonable for every leader or head of any organization that has control of peoples thinking and actions should, by law, submit to a lie detector test. The results would be accessible to any one who had an interest in the matter.This test would be required before appointment to any position and on a yearly basis. Questions could be submitted to a competent and unbiased committee for approval. A required minimum number could be set, perhaps 100, with many more questions if the situation required it. Perhaps a situation involving control over a persons actions, speech, behavior, beliefs etc. would require many more questions. Everyone would want to be assured that these people put into powerful positions would be worthy, honest and properly qualified.
Therefore, what questions would you submit for the members of the Governing Body to answer while they are attached to a lie detector?
what year comes to your mind as the happiest?
maybe some special place you lived, being with special people, an unforgettable period that made it your happiest.
recently i heard through video link to our kh a talk by bro loesch where he attacked university study (again) but this time he prefaced his remarks by saying, and i quote, "the faithful slave does not forbid you to go to university.
" so this was a bad start as his following remarks made it clear that this was just a way of seeming reasonable while basically saying that we shouldn't do it.
he went on to use an illustration i think he has used before about a man with ocd who decided to kill himself.
while working on a comments for one of the articles in the march 15, 2015 watchtower (on types and antitypes) i decided to make a transcript of the talk that turned into that particular article.
as usual, the article that finally saw print had evolved quite a bit from the original.. anyway, here's the transcript that i also put up on the ad1914.com site.. the 2014 annual meeting program video can be found on tv.jw.org (currently found under programs and events).
the following speech can be found about the 2 hour and 8 minute mark in the video.
the jw.org video about the annual meeting contains david splane saying "we just love this idea", when talking about the adjusted fds doctrine.
"we just love this idea"????
when it becomes one of the fundament teachings of the organisational part of a religion, the rank-and-file witnesses are expected to be convinced about these kind of doctrines.